08/25/07 08:51:33 AM
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i want my mind to look on the positive side but it keeps on going the other way, where the crowd always want to go. when someone do different from what they normally do, it seems to be one obtuse move. WAS IT?... i just cannot comprehend an action of abandoning their task just to do something they said, can be beneficial to all. how can it be beneficial to all while their scheme may never seems to have a good result that will create a big change for all, perhaps an extra task. how can it be while their names will only be applauded by the kings. what about those shoulders who carried an extra loads while they do their special scheme?... so dont show off to me when you walk while holding no intelligible folders; dont show proudness to me about what you do because those who don't sit on your chairs while abandoning your task, are those people who are very busy being good at what they do.... for if you are really willing to do one heroic thing for everybody, you should be doing it on your own time without stealing anybody's shoulder for your abandoned tasks. when the result of your schemes at the end will benefits the whole, then i know for sure that you dont only deserve their applaud but also ours.....that is if you will take the risk using your own time, then we know you never stepped on our toes!!!
“For her own breakfast she'll project a scheme, Nor take her tea without a stratagem” by: Edward Young
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